武裝自己, 從最軟弱的內心開始,
Arm yourself, from the very soft and weak part inside your heart,
Arm yourself, from the very soft and weak part inside your heart,
加強自己, 從每個你不願意面對的缺點開始,
Make yourself tough enough to facing deepest weakness in you,
Make yourself tough enough to facing deepest weakness in you,
讓你自己發光發熱, 如果你現在看起來自己都不能接受, 代表你自己不夠努力,
Make yourself shine, if you cant accept what you look right now, it means you are not trying hard enough,
Make yourself shine, if you cant accept what you look right now, it means you are not trying hard enough,
為了你的家人, 你的朋友, 你的丈夫妻子兒女以及任何會站在你身邊的人,
Do this for your family, your friends, your husband, wife, children and anyone could stand next to you,
Do this for your family, your friends, your husband, wife, children and anyone could stand next to you,
當你接受別人的光和熱的時候很輕鬆, 但是其實只有你自己快樂,
It is easy to accept kindness and gratitude, but probably you are the only one is happy for this,
It is easy to accept kindness and gratitude, but probably you are the only one is happy for this,
但是當自己能給別人些許光和熱的時候, 那份快樂會增長,
But, when you given someone just a little help, a little kindness, happiness will echo and growth,
But, when you given someone just a little help, a little kindness, happiness will echo and growth,
也許只是些許的建議, 一片比薩, 十元銅板, 一句謝謝, 一隻伸出幫助的手,
May be just a minor suggestion, a slice of pizza, 10 dollars, a "thank you", one hand that gives a lift,
May be just a minor suggestion, a slice of pizza, 10 dollars, a "thank you", one hand that gives a lift,
可能改變那個人的生活或是命運, 或是讓他本來灰暗的一天又重現光明,
It could change someone's life or fate, or make his worst day sees hope,
It could change someone's life or fate, or make his worst day sees hope,
Don't stop make yourself a better person!
Don't stop make yourself a better person!
(額, 我又感性了)
(err, just a emotional moment)
(err, just a emotional moment)